Speakers and topics

Thematic investing: capturing structural growth opportunities for long-term returns

Sustainable Thematic Equities Platform

David will provide a roadmap for investors looking to find solutions that align with sustainable themes, including climate. He will highlight durable long-term sub-themes including resource efficiency and waste management. Within these sub-themes we find investable solutions such as recycling machines, water treatment companies and automation technologies. Spending on sustainability solutions is estimated to increase to $6trn per annum creating massive opportunities for equity investors.

Portfolio manager - sustainable climate solutions; senior research analyst - sustainable thematic equities

David covers the energy, industrials and materials sectors for the portfolio team. Prior to joining the firm in 2008, he was a managing director, analyst and portfolio manager at Neuberger Berman. Before that, he worked at JP Morgan as a research analyst for the energy sector. 

Investing sustainably in a world of higher rates and higher inflation

Sustainable Global Equity Fund

With the days of negative rates and benign inflation in developed markets long behind us, the growth momentum tailwind for sustainable investing is no more; pragmatism, diversification and a focus on quality are needed to navigate the cycle. To achieve this aim, asset managers are required to look beyond the ESG darlings found in the obvious sectors and geographies and expand their reach to cyclical sectors and emerging markets. In this session, Henry will outline the approach taken by Federated Hermes and highlight where the team are finding the ‘not so obvious’ opportunities.

Co-portfolio manager, sustainable global equity
Federated Hermes Limited

Henry joined in 2012 and is portfolio manager on the Sustainable Global Equity strategy and US Smid-Cap strategy. He joined from UK brokerage firm Peel Hunt, where he was a diversified financials analyst from 2010 until 2012. Prior to that, he worked at Deloitte in the banking and capital markets group and in corporate finance from 2006 until 2010.

Impax Sustainable Infrastructure: enabling the transition to the new economy

Impax Listed Infrastructure Fund

The realignment of the global economy with a model that arrests environmental decline and promotes resilience, fairness and inclusivity is driving growing demand for new and updated infrastructure. Harry will present the actively managed Sustainable Infrastructure strategy, explaining why the firm believes infrastructure is at an inflection point and how the transition to a sustainable global economy creates a range of opportunities for companies whose products and services can serve as its foundations.

Portfolio manager
Impax Asset Management

Harry manages the Impax Listed Infrastructure Fund. He joined Impax initially as a consultant, assessing portfolio carbon risk. He then worked as a portfolio specialist gaining in depth knowledge of investee companies and the investment process. In 2021, he began work on the creation of Impax’s Sustainable Infrastructure Taxonomy, before becoming a portfolio manager in 2022. 

J Safra Sarasin: using the UN SDGs as a framework for delivering investment return and change

JSS Sustainable Equity - SDG Opportunities

With 2030 fast approaching, how can the UN sustainable development goals be used to identify sustainable winners? Using a thorough investment process to identify SDG solution providers who can make a real difference to the lives of millions across the globe, JSS uses the SDGs to identify companies that can help deliver a meaningful financial return while contributing positively to those across the globe who need it most. With almost 35 years of sustainable investing experience, JSS looks to use the SDGs as an investable framework, an approach which Kaisa, co-PM of the JSS sustainable Equity – SDG Opportunities fund, will outline. She will also explain how this can be accurately tracked and reported on.

Portfolio manager
J. Safra Sarasin Asset Management

Kaisa is the co-lead manager of JSS Sustainable Equity - SDG Opportunities fund and manager of the JSS Sustainable Equities - Next-Gen Consumer strategy. She joined JSS in 2017 and she has specialist expertise in the consumer sectors and sustainability, as well as strong background in corporate finance.

A responsible approach to dividend income

Jupiter Responsible Income Fund

James will discuss how a portfolio of sustainable, defensively oriented and quality UK stocks with yield benchmarked valuations can be an important diversifier for both sustainability focused and mainstream portfolios. He will also talk about the three facets of responsibility he considers in identifying and managing portfolio holdings (environmental and social, financial and ownership) and his approach to portfolio construction.

Investment manager, UK growth equities
Jupiter Asset Management

James joined Jupiter in 2017 and is a fund manager and analyst working on the UK Growth strategy. Before joining Jupiter, he worked at UK Financial Investments (UKFI) helping to oversee the UK government’s holdings in Royal Bank of Scotland, Lloyds and UK Asset Resolution, having started his career at Citi.

Accelerating the transition to tomorrow: the rise of AI and renewable energy

Mirova Global Sustainable Equity

Understanding the challenges and opportunities related to the major transitions underway in our global economies is critical in building more durable investment portfolios. Soliane will discuss how Mirova assess the long-term investment opportunities related to artificial intelligence and the energy transition and the risks associated with these transformations, both from a financial and sustainability perspective.

Equity portfolio manager
Mirova, an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers

Soliane joined Natixis Investment Management in 2008 as a European equity portfolio manager in the equity department and has held this position at Mirova since 2014. She currently manages the funds and mandates of the Euro Sustainable Equity strategy, and since 2019 she has been managing the Women Leaders strategy and Global Sustainable Equity strategies.

Redefining the decarbonisation opportunity

PGIM Jennison Carbon Solutions Equity Fund

Viewing decarbonisation investing through a strictly green lens leaves a lot out of the picture. Raj, client portfolio manager at Jennison Associates, PGIM’s active equity manager, will outline a holistic approach employing a broader scope to reveal a diverse $2.5trn opportunity set with abundant alpha potential. He will explain how to make the most of the multi-decade movement to decarbonise the planet while the carbon reduction revolution is still in its early stages.

Client portfolio manager
Jennison Associates, a PGIM Company

Raj supports Jennison’s distribution and client efforts across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. He joined Jennison in 2019. Prior to Jennison, he spent 17 years with Newton IM, he was a global equity portfolio manager and portfolio specialist. He was also head of sustainable investing. Previously, Raj spent five years with Credit Suisse AM. 

China, geopolitics and rare earth minerals: finding solutions for firms connected to the energy transition

Storebrand Global Solutions Fund

Philip will focus on China's position on renewable energy, including a look at the value chain connected to rare earth minerals and issues like energy transition, the geopolitics dominating the relationships between China and other countries and how this ties into companies in the Global Solutions portfolio.

Portfolio manager and head of solutions
Storebrand Asset Management

Philip has been fund manager for Storebrand Global Solutions since 2015 and has held a numerous positions within the company including group head of sustainability. Through his engagement with sustainability, he has advised several governments and institutions on topics ranging from coal exclusions, environmental impacts of human activities and policy requirements, to help achieve international climate agreement targets. 

Maximising environmental opportunities: structural tailwinds and strong fundamentals

Vontobel Fund – Global Environmental Change

How can investors create tangible environmental impact without sacrificing returns? How can we take advantage of opportunities from both structural tailwinds as well as the fundamentals of strong businesses aligned to positive change? Vontobel leverages its experience during the past 15 years in managing its Global Environmental Change Fund and Pascal discuss these topics and more.

Head of listed impact, portfolio manager
Vontobel Asset Management

Pascal joined Vontobel in 2007 and is head of listed impact, managing strategies with a focus on the environment and society: Global Environmental Change and Global Impact Equities. Prior to joining Vontobel, he worked at Swiss Re for 10 years, investing in both public and private markets across alternative energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable forestry.